There is no prerequisite or advanced preparation for this program. Registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses. Complaints regarding sponsors may be addressed to NASBA, 150 Fourth Avenue, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417, .
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Chief financial officers have been facing a wall of worry for two years. Investors, lenders, board members, employees, and customers lost confidence in senior management's ability to deliver sustainable, profitable growth. But now is the time for renewal. At this conference, respected leaders will share their thoughts about how finance can emerge stronger and better than ever before.
Featured Speakers include:
Richard Breeden - Former SEC Chairman and Court-Appointed Corporate Monitor for MCI (WorldCom)
James M. Schneider - SVP and CFO, Dell, Inc.
Keith Sherin - SVP Finance and CFO, General Electric
Barbara Hackman Franklin - President & CEO, Barbara Franklin Enterprises, and former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Directorships on Corporate Boards and Audit Committees
Gary Perlin - CFO, Capital One Financial Corporation
Robert Ryan - SVP and CFO, Medtronic
Richard Roth - Chief Research Officer, The Hackett Group, a division of Answerthink
Ray Silcock - EVP and CFO, Cott
Sarah Gainer - VP Finance Transformation, Motorola
Anita Tilley - Managing Director, BearingPoint Consulting
Pre-Conference Workshop: Taking Finance Transformation to the Next Level: Proven Pathways to Realization
Click here for details.
Special Offers:
- Alumni Discount: As a previous attendee of a CFO conference, you are eligible for the alumni discount worth $100.
- Team Discount: Since you will get the most value out of this event if you come with your finance team, we have a special group rate of $1295 for each registration.