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CFO Conferences is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN, 37219-2417; Web site: www.nasba.org. Delivery Method: Group-Live — Program Level: Intermediate — No prerequisites or advanced preparation required.

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For more than a dozen years, CFO Rising has been prominent on the spring calendars of senior finance executives—a conference designed to provide a "State of the Profession" portrait each year, for and about high-impact finance executives who want to network, learn, and then network some more. Now it has become clear to our CFO Conferences team that these issues are just too wide-ranging and fast-moving to be contained in a single event. So this year, in addition to our spring CFO Rising event in Orlando, we're excited to announce CFO Rising West, September 17-20, 2006 in Las Vegas at the JW Marriott Resort. Our theme is Leadership, Strategy, and Results: Connecting the Dots to Create Value.

Featured Speakers include:
Steven Levitt
- Best-selling Author of Freakonomics; Professor of Economics, University of Chicago; and Medal Winner: "America's Best Economist under 40"
G. Bennett Stewart III - Co-Founder, Stern Stewart; Author of The Quest for Value; and CEO, EVA Dimensions
David Johnson - EVP and CFO, The Hartford Financial Services Group
David Devonshire - EVP and CFO, Motorola
Patricia McKay - EVP and CFO, Office Depot
Mike Gabaly - Director, Investor Relations, Lockheed Martin
Tom White - SVP, CFO, and Treasurer, Hub Group, Inc.
Linda Schulte - SVP Consumerism, CIGNA HealthCare

To see the full conference agenda, click here.

Pre-Conference Workshop:
Using EVA to Measure, Manage, and Maximize Value
Click here for details.

Special Offers:
  • Early Bird: Take advantage of our Early Bird discount — a savings of $300 — if you register by August 28, 2006.
  • Alumni Discount: As a previous attendee of a CFO conference, you are eligible for both the alumni discount (worth $100) and the early bird discount (worth $300) for a total savings of $400, if you register by August 28, 2006.
  • Team Discount: Since you will get the most value out of this event if you come with your finance team, we have a special early bird group rate of $995 for each registration received by August 28, 2006 — that's a total savings of $700.

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