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Click HERE to view the 2003 CFO Rising agenda
CFO Magazine's Forum for Federal Finance Executives will be held at the National Press Club
Washington DC on May 20, 2003.
Keynote Addresses:
Janet Brutschea Haugen, the CFO of Unisys will present a case study on how CFOs can work with IT management to drive change and streamline financial and operating processes while reducing IT spending. Specifically:
- The vision and the mandate behind building a new IT infrastructure
- A blueprint for success: Building a strategy to reflect where you're going, not where you've been
- Assessing hard costs and soft costs
- Adopting a process and system strategy adaptable to organizational structure changes
- Providing real time access and an integrated flow of information
- Organizational requirements mapping
- Phased release strategy
Providing a compelling and timely ROI
Angela Antonelli, CFO of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, will discuss how moving toward a high-quality workforce that is performance-oriented and focused on results is a key component of The President's Management Agenda. Strategically managing human capital is more than acquiring new talent. It involves setting frameworks for communication, flexibility, accountability, and innovation. Learn how the CFO must play an integral role in strategic workforce planning to:
- Link human capital strategies to organizational mission, vision, values, and objectives
- Build leadership skills and new competencies for continuous improvement
- Remove barriers to cultural change and drive change throughout the agency
Inspire a successful transformation effort
W. Todd Grams, CFO of the Internal Revenue Service, will examine how the OMB's criteria for rating the status of an agency's budget and performance integration are based on full compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). In order to build a performance-based budget that supports strategic objectives and long-term goals, the focus must be on measurable, outcome-oriented goals supported by data-driven indicators. Learn how to:
- Collect relevant and necessary data to make planning decisions
- Use planning decisions to drive budget development
- Base budget decisions on program results
- Collaborate between planning and budget staff to create an integrated budget and monitor its implementation
- Implement a financial, budgetary, and performance system that tracks the full cost of the program and the outcome/output goals
- Document effectiveness and demonstrate how program results inform budget decisions
Other Featured Speakers:
Joseph Kull - Deputy Controller, Office of Management and Budget
Donald Hammond - Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Department of the Treasury
JoAnn Boutelle - Deputy CFO, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller), Department of Defense
Pete Smith - President, Private Sector Council
Jonathan Schiff - Founder, Finance Development & Training Institute
Click here for more detailed speaker information.