Over the past 10 years, CFO magazine's CFO Conferences unit has provided a premier networking and educational forum for senior finance executives, featuring an outstanding list of leading CFOs who share insights and best practices with their peers. Each event is tailored to serve the educational needs of finance officers at companies of various sizes.

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CFO Bookstore

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CFO Conferences presents this online bookstore for senior finance executives, powered by Amazon.




CFO Conferences
Use executive education to build awareness, communicate thought leadership, generate key contacts, and begin meaningful sales conversations with America's top finance executives.

There is no better way to promote your products or services to an audience with such tremendous purchasing power. The CFOs who attend our events are looking for ways to improve their operations with solutions that impact processes, people, partners, customers, and profits. To reach attendees before, during, and after the event you can:
- Sponsor value-added programs
- Promote via post-event mailings
- Have your company information and logo featured on our website

To see a slide show presentation, CFO Conferences Bring You Face to Face with Decision Makers, click here

For details on specific events:
- CFO Rising West - September/October - Las Vegas
- The CFO Technology Summit - October - Chicago

Exclusive partner sponsorships are still available. Don't miss this chance to showcase your company. For more information or to reserve your space, contact John Duggan at , or .

CFO Research
Original research and thoughtful analyses are the cornerstones of CFO Research Services. In collaboration with sponsoring companies, our team of research professionals dissects emerging trends in business and financial management using mailed surveys and personal, on-the-record interviews with respected financial executives.

For a detailed look at information on sponsorship opportunities, click here.

For more information on becoming a research sponsor, contact Raegan Moya-Jones, our business development director of custom projects: Call or e-mail her at

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