Wigwam Resort
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The best managed companies clearly state their performance goals and deploy business information technologies to enable corporate agility. Perhaps most importantly, they empower their finance teams to provide the leadership and expertise necessary for the planning process to succeed. Join pioneering practitioners and thought leaders as they share their planning secrets-and discover how to build a world-class planning machine.

Featured Speakers include:
Andy Bryant - CFO, Intel
Jeff Henley - CFO, Oracle
Robert Switz - CFO, ADC
Julia Homer - Editor-in-Chief, CFO Magazine
Anita Tilley - Managing Director, KPMG
Rob Friel - CFO, PerkinElmer
Michael Mankins
- Managing Partner, Marakon Associates

Discover how to:
  • Drive performance commitment across your organization by giving key personnel the focus and tools they need to reach their growth targets
  • Use E-business systems to maximize cash retention for shareholders
  • Manage "warp speed" volatility, implementing the appropriate planning platforms for good times and bad
  • Target the highest value-at-stake issues facing your company
  • Build a dynamic financial planning, forecasting, and budgeting system
  • Improve the value proposition of your financial processes and lead your professional team to new heights
  • Answer your CEO's call for strategic risk management

    Optional Pre-Conference Golf Outing

    Our Optional Pre-Conference Golf Outing on Wednesday, February 13th will provide an opportunity to network with your peers while you play 18 holes on the Wigwam's Blue Course. The green's fee is $140 and includes a cart and a boxed lunch. Click here for more information or to sign up for golf.

    Special Offers

    • Alumni Discount: As a previous attendee of a CFO conference, you are eligible for our alumni discount.
    • Team Discount: Since you will get the most value out of this event if you come with your finance team, we have a special group rate of $700 for each registration--that's a total savings of $295 each!